Saturday, September 10, 2011

Blog post #3

Peer Editing
Paige Ellis’s information on peer editing does a great job describing the proper way to give constructive criticism. Telling someone they made mistakes can be very uncomfortable, and her slide shows and videos give wonderful examples of how to critique someone in a positive way. When critiquing a classmate’s blog, I prefer to do it publicly on their blog, and I have no problem with anyone giving me public advice. The recipient of the criticism will usually give more attention to correcting the mistake. I also agree with Paige’s idea of public advice being helpful for the rest of the class; someone that is uncomfortable critiquing their classmate can use another blog as a reference.

It’s not about the Technology
In this blog, I share the same ideas as Kelly Hines about effective use of technology in the classroom. Learning is a two-way street in which teacher and student must both travel. We are teachers and have a passion for demonstrating the importance and advantage of learning. Not all students have developed that same understanding nor do they appreciate it as we do. As educators, it is our responsibility to try as many methods as possible to help students desire traveling on the road to learning.

Furthermore, the use of technology is about the teacher and student working together and independently. We must be able to evolve in an ever changing world to help our students become independent thinkers. We cannot expect to throw a bunch of fancy gadgets into a classroom thinking that learning will magically take place. Technology must matter to both teacher and student.

Is It Okay To Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher?
Karl Fisch wants to know if this blog post extreme. I believe it is quite extreme, but that seems to be his objective. It is supposed to sound extreme to the “technologically illiterate” in order to get their attention; it got my attention. Fisch is saying that the reader does not have to agree with his views, but his evidence makes it difficult disagree. Teachers need to be constantly willing to use anything that will help a student with a task. Those proud of technological illiteracy are boasting about their ability to make it through life without change. That might be true, and if they are satisfied with such an existence, they are perfectly free to live that way.

However, a student in a 21st century classroom may not be satisfied with merely surviving. They may want to be an engineer in their adult life. Such a goal requires a high degree of technological literacy. Thus, teachers cannot live in a state of satisfaction. They must be willing and eager to seek out the tools that will prepare their students for the future. We should never assume the way we were taught in high school is going to present students of the future with the best opportunities.

Gary’s Social Media Count
This counter is a wake up to anyone who does not understand the reality or impact of information and communication growth in today’s world. It sums up the magnitude of our global society. Billions of people are learning, communicating, and making money every second with the click of a mouse. The figures are almost impossible for the mind process.

We must understand that these numbers speed up the way we think and live. If we choose to ignore the reality of a rapidly changing world, we may be left behind in the time it takes for one of those numbers on the counter to change. That is the reality of our children’s future. As educators, we cannot get left behind. In doing so, we are putting our students’ futures at risk.

A Vision of Students Today
This video was a little depressing. Education seems to be a burden with uncertainty. The classroom appears to be a room with desks and students that only wish to complete the requirements hoping they will get a decent job upon completion. Finishing school does not make a person educated. Today the goal of a college student is to finish.

Universities and teachers may unknowingly encourage college as a means to an end. Educating is a gift that should be given and received. A student is not only financially better off having attended a University but also better person. A student should never feel as if a class is a waste of their time. If time is wasted, it is because the student wastes it, and they do so because of this notion that only stuff relevant to their future profession is important. If the walls of a college classroom today could talk, they would say the room is always empty.


  1. "Finishing school does not make a person educated. Today the goal of a college student is to finish" I agree but find it unpleasant to admit it!

    "A student should never feel as if a class is a waste of their time. If time is wasted, it is because the student wastes it,..." I disagree. I think that often the teacher wastes time - the teacher's and the student's.

    Well written. Interesting. Well argued. Thoughtful.


  2. Kevin,

    Another great post! You have very original points of view such as your take on Karl Fisch's blog post in saying his objective WAS to be extreme in order to catch attention.

    I also find "A Vision of Students Today" to be disheartening. Maybe we as educators one day can change this perspective of our students.

    I have to agree with Dr. Strange's comment about teachers wasting time. Think of the bad teachers you have had in the past. Did those classes feel like a waste of time?

    Keep up the good work!
