Friday, September 23, 2011

C4T #2

I was recently fortunate enough to visit Frank Noschese's blog. Mr. Noschese is a high school physics teacher in New York. He encourages project based learning in his classroom to in order to keep his students engaged. His most recent post on his blog is about collaborative learning. He shared a post by Daryl Taylor about collaborative leaning across the world. From coast to coast, students were able to do projects with each other. They were able to be engaged with classmates they have never met. These teachers' classrooms have no walls. They are able to increase the amount of learning taking place in their classroom by the thousands. It is creativity times one-thousand, and utterly amazing.

Hello Mr. Noschese,
My name is Kevin Hutchinson, and I am a student in Dr. Strange's EDM310 class at the University of South Alabama. I am a secondary education history major, so science is usually a little foreign to me. However, these collaborative lab exercises are great. Daryl Taylor's classroom has no boundaries. Student's are able to have classmates all over the world, and that is mind blowing. The forensics "Who Done It" project looked extremely interesting. With the forensic based television shows' popularity at an all time high, I am sure this activity was an immediate hit with the students. For someone who has never been a science whiz, an activity such as this may have been helpful for me. It is a perfect example of encouraging creativity in the classroom. I will be reading an summarizing more of you post on my blog I look forward to seeing more excellent examples of creative, project based learning.
I visited Mr. Noschese's blog for the second time this week. He was featured in two interviews by MSNBC about technological learning. His interviews are an in depth look into his position on technology in the classroom. In his interview he is being asked about Khan Academy. Khan Academy is an online based lecture form of learning. Mr. Noschese is not against using technology for learning; he simply sees this as using technology as an extension of the "burp back" learning Dr. Strange has discussed with us. I told Mr. Noschese how much I appreciate him using technology not as a crutch but as an effective collaborative tool for understanding. You can check out his two interviews on his blog or buy clicking these two links: Khan Academy sparks education reform debate and Teaching with technology: What works in class

Mr. Noschese,
My name is Kevin Hutchinson, and I am a student in Dr. Strange’s EDM310 class at the University of South Alabama. I like your stand on technology in the second video. Dr. Strange refers to the “spitting” back information you discuss as “burp back” learning. Your use of technology for collaborative exercises are the perfect way to help students stay engaged. The technology used in your class is not a crutch; it is tool the students are able to use in order to understand the concepts discussed in class rather than memorize information for the test. As a future educator, I appreciate and admire your position and efforts in the classroom.

1 comment:

  1. Kevin,

    You seemed to of really liked Mr. Noschese's blog! I am glad you learned some things from it!
